Statement of the ISGÖ on the Terrorist Attack on Saturday in Villach

Vienna, February 18, 2025

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his pure family.

With sorrow and horror, we strongly condemn the terrible and inhumane terrorist attack in Villach and extend our deepest sympathy to the victims, their families, all Austrian citizens, and the Austrian government.

As victims of such barbaric and terrorist acts ourselves, we Shiites stand in solidarity with Austrian society and the government. In defense of peace and human rights, as well as the protection of society against extremist influences, we stand by our fellow citizens in the fight against terrorism. We are convinced that now, more than ever, we must stand together in these times.

In this spirit, we declare our readiness to counter radicalism and extremism ideologically at the intellectual front.

Islamic-Shiite Religious Community in Austria